Should you continue living with your spouse if they have renounced their faith in Jesus Christ? They have left Christianity for another cultic religion. And you know for sure that this religion despises the teachings of the Bible. Your spouse has been sucked into cultic movements due to his unbelief in Christ. You may never fully understand their reasons for such, however, that doesn’t justify their actions. And now they await judgment and eternal separation from the true living God Yahweh.

Should you continue living with your spouse if they have renounced their faith

Then, should you continue living with your spouse after they have renounced the faith?  The best thing is to pray for them to be restored before it is too late. If they are unwilling to change, I believe it will be wise to separate from your spouse lest his convictions affect you and your children. I didn’t say you divorce them, that should be noted.

Related: On what ground should one divorce?

God hates divorce and does not approve of it at all. There are biblical principles that cannot be broken. Jesus said that the word which is the law of God, cannot be broken [John 10:35].

The person who has renounced his faith has broken his covenant with Christ. He has alienated himself from the true God and chosen his path. This is called apostasy, which is the renunciation of one’s faith.

What does the Bible teach about renouncing one’s faith?

In his letters, Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit declared in Hebrews 6:4-6 that,

“For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to restore them to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their harm and holding him up to contempt.” 
[Hebrews 6: 4-6, ESV]

It is clear that anyone who commits apostasy or renounces his faith in Christ – especially one who was enlightened of the heavenly glory, – can to a great extent never be restored. This act is likened to crucifying Christ again on your account and taking for granted the gift of God to save humanity from His wrath.

There is still hope for those who have committed apostasy, for Christ will never give up on His own easily. However, the choice is ours to make. We know that Israel as a nation used to renounce its faith by turning from Yahweh and worshipping false idols. Despite this, God never gave up on them. He took them back whenever they repented wholeheartedly and turned to their God.

Related: The state of our hearts; the rebellion of Israel

Should I divorce or separate from my spouse who has renounced their faith?

I strongly recommend separating for a while, but when it comes to divorcing him/ her, you should seek God’s counsel in this matter. The period of separation will allow them to rethink their decision and its impact on their family, and their individual lives.

There is a biblical principle Paul taught in 1 Corinthians 7:15 about separating or divorcing an unbeliever. A person who has renounced their faith is equated to an unbeliever and therefore, should be treated as one. God Has called all believers to live in peace and anyone who dares to separate us from Christ should be avoided.

If your unbelieving spouse becomes a hindrance for you to pursuing your faith in Christ, then he/she is one to avoid and stay away from. Your faith in Jesus Christ is all that matters for it is precious and eternal. You should never let anyone take that from you. [Revelation 3:11].

Therefore, if your spouse who has renounced his faith becomes a threat to your faith, of which he/she is already, you should separate yourself from him/her. You are called to live in peace and not under bondage.

Related: God is able to keep us from falling

This case is different from the one of married unbelievers, where one comes to the knowledge of Christ. He/ she should not divorce the unbelieving partner as Paul recommended in 1 Corinthians 7:12-14. That is if the unbelieving partner consent to live together in peace and not become a hindrance to the believing spouse. However, if the unbelieving partner becomes a stumbling block to the other, by denying them the privilege to exercise their faith, then they should separate or in other words divorce.


If the scriptures strongly condemn men who do not provide for their families and equate them to be worse than unbelievers, [1Timothy5:8] how much more is to be said of anyone who renounces his faith in Jesus Christ? Just pose and think of that.

Remember there will never be any other sacrifice for sin or redemption of mankind, except the one that was already made. [Hebrews 10:26-27]. Therefore, take advantage of that sacrifice and amend your ways and reconcile yourself to God through Christ before it’s too late.

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