Work with us

Do you want to write for us?

Here’s how our process works:

Send your submissions to [email protected]. Please choose a subject line that you would regard as a possible article title. The more appealing it is, the more likely it is to attract our attention. The email should include a copy of the submission in the body (No attachments please). Include any relevant connections to prior published work or social media accounts.

Send one original copy of your work if you have any, to see if you qualify to write for us. owns the copyright to all of the items it publishes, and we don’t accept material that has already been published elsewhere.

Blogging Guide

Follow this procedure to write quality articles.

Most Google search queries are questions, hence we write response posts to answer these questions.

Understand the search-intend for the keyword in question.

Writing conditions

  • 1) Use an answer target in the first or second paragraph. This gives a quick summary to help win google’s featured snippet.
  • 2) Have a good subheading structure that is relevant to the main keyword(s).
  • 3) Now write a well-detailed body for the article.
  • 4) Have a conclusion if possible.

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