On 29th March 2022, I dreamt of two brothers who after being allowed to be alone in the Roman Catholic church, decided to break the image at the altar and other tools which were supposedly Illuminati in nature.
The next day when the pope (Francis) arrived, he was met with bad news of what had conspired. After evaluating the damage, they ignored it and welcomed a certain man for business as usual. I realized that they were offering some shady business behind the scenes. They were using the church’s power to endorse corrupt businessmen.
After that, they began laughing as well as the workers. This caught the media’s attention, as to how these old folks were so happy.
As a consequence, they formulated a plan to extort people’s money by selling them three books, claiming they will help people be happy. This is the kind of hypocrisy happening behind the scenes. The dream symbolizes something much deeper than what you can phantom.